While it is well known I have my differences with the Royals the threat of an attack on the day of the Royal Wedding shows a sign of desperation by these extremist Republican splinter groups
From the Mirror
The intelligence service believes a bomb attack may occur in Belfast or Londonderry in a bid to disrupt the celebrations.
It is thought resurgent dissident republican groups – which include the Real IRA, the Oglaigh na hEireann and “the IRA” – are not ready to launch an attack on London.
A source said: “Recent intelligence points to a terror attack in Northern Ireland on the day of the wedding. This is a very real threat and described as being highly likely.
“It is not believed the groups yet have the capability to launch an attack on London, which on Friday would cause chaos.
“However an attack would send out a clear message that there is a gathering and substantial threat from dissident republican groups in Northern Ireland and Ireland.”
On Friday the dissident group styling itself “the IRA” issued a statement claiming responsibility for the murder of PC Ronan Kerr in Omagh this month.
MI5 understands that the group, which has also vowed to embark on a bombing campaign, includes veteran paramilitary figures who have the know-how to carry out such attacks. Dissident groups have recently deployed command-wire explosive devices, van-mounted weaponry, car bombs and vehicle booby traps. Several suspected terrorists are thought to be under surveillance by MI5.
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